Kendall County Men in Company C, 147th Illinois Infantry

Names of Kendall County men who served in Company C, 147th Illinois Infantry.

This is not a complete roster of the company.

SurnameGiven nameDesignationCoRankResWarVolPage
Andrews William 147th IL INF C Private KE CW VII 276
Boyd John S. 147th IL INF C Corporal BR CW VII 276
Briggs R. Charles 147th IL INF C Corporal BR CW VII 276
Butterfield Charles Frank 147th IL INF C Private LR CW VII 276
Buys Frank A. 147th IL INF C Captain BR CW VII 275
Chittenden Albert H. "Bert" 147th IL INF C Sergeant LR CW VII 276
Churchill George W. 147th IL INF C 2nd Lt KE CW VII 275
Covell Merritt F. 147th IL INF C Corporal KE CW VII 276
Emmons Francis A., Jr. 147th IL INF C Private BR CW NF  
Emmons Lawrence E. 147th IL INF C 1st Lt BR CW VII 275
Fields John F. 147th IL INF C Private BR CW VII 276
Fuller Charles O. 147th IL INF C 2nd Lt BR CW VII 275
Marshall Hugh Rice 147th IL INF C Corporal KE CW VII 276
Mase Frank 147th IL INF C Corporal BR CW VII 276
Merrick Charles "Eugene" 147th IL INF C Private KE CW VII 276
Merritt Covell 147th IL INF C Sergeant BR CW VII 276
Moore Judson O. 147th IL INF C Comm Sgt BG CW VII 272
Mullin Thomas 147th IL INF C Private BR CW VII 276
Palmer Ira F. 147th IL INF C Corporal FO CW VII 276
Robinson Herman 147th IL INF C Private BR CW VII 277
Smith Henry 147th IL INF C Wagoner BR CW VII 276
Welch Andrew P. 147th IL INF C Sergeant KE CW VII 276
Williams Andrew 147th IL INF C Private KE CW VII 276

Last Modified on 2013-01-06 04:53:47-0600 CST by Elmer Dickson