A Soldier Tribute to a Kendall County Comrade
Sketch of the Services of the Late Perry O. Tripp of Pavillion
Published in the Kendall County Record, October 6, 1909
Compiled by Jane Willey-Fey
Comrade Frank Pinney, commander of Yorkville Post G. A. R., has received a letter from C. F. Fairbanks, Assistant Adjunct General of the Department of Georgia and South Carolina, Grand Army of the Republic, making some inquiries as to the death of the late comrade Tripp of this place. As the letter is interesting to many of our people, The Record publishes it as follows:
Frank W. Pinney Commander
Post No. 522, Yorkville, Ill.
Dear Comrade: -I have just been looking over the Journal of Proceedings of the Encampment of Illinois held at Aurora, and in looking over the mortuary list I found the name of Perry G. Tripp of your post, he having died March 24th the year not given. Perry and myself have marched many a day side by side. He was a member of my Company E, 13th Illinois Infantry.
I have been living in Georgia ever since the war, and while I have kept up with many of the boys, I have not with Perry Tripp. I have often wondered what had become of him, and knowing that he was the oldest man in the company when we enlisted I naturally supposed that he had passed away long ago. I should like very much to know the year he died and his age at the time of his death and any other facts about him that may be of interest to one of his old comrades. I have the names of the original muster roll of Company E and am trying to keep up with all old boys, although there is but a corporal's squad left now of the 100 whom started out together on May 24, 1861. I had one of the old boys with me for a few months last winter that was then 75, but if I am not mistaken Perry was near 90. Our company was made up at Sandwich. I enlisted, however, from Chicago. My former home was at Beloit, Wis.
Perry Tripp was one of the most faithful and reliable soldiers in our company. He was always in his place and ready for duty, and one of the first to reach camp after a hard days march. Peace to his ashes.
Hoping to hear from you at no distant day. I remain,
Yours in F. C. and L,
C. F. Fairbanks
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