Stavanger Cemetery
Location: The Stavanger Cemetery is located in the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section 36, Miller Township, LaSalle County, Illinois. It is located on the LaSalle-Grundy County line.
Current Status: Active
Earliest Burials Recorded: Apr 30, 1867; Sep ng, 1876; 1881; May 4, 1882; and Jul 22, 1882.
Number Of Burials Recorded: 458
Latest Burial Recorded: 1997
Abbreviations: abt, about; ng, not given; and nds, no dates.
The expression (45-10-23) indicates the age of the deceased at the time of their death in years, months, and days.
The expression (23-07-?) indicates the number of additional days was not indicated.
An asterisk after the cemetery code indicates compilers believe the person indicated was buried in this cemetery but do not have absolute proof to support their belief.
Microfilmed copies of the Kendall County Record (KCR) were reviewed for obituaries of people buried in the cemetery. A date in the obituary column indicates the issue of the KCR where an obituary or death notice may be found.
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