The Old Settlers' Picnic 9-28-1898 KCN

The Old Settlers' Picnic.

Originally Published in the Kendall County News, September 28, 1898.
The Oldest Inhabitant Has His Day.A Necrological Report of the Past Year.
J. D. Russell Delivers an Able Address of Welcome.

Edited and Compiled by Elmer Dickson.

The old settlers of Kendall County held their annual basket picnic on the Fair Grounds in Yorkville last Saturday. As the weather was threatening early in the morning the crowd was not as large as usual. When President Barnes called the people to order in the grandstand there was a crowd of twelve hundred or more. It was the old settlers' day, and they were out to enjoy it.

Reverend S. W. Meek invoked the divine blessing on the old residents of the county who had braved the storms of life to prepare a home for themselves and their posterity. The chorus of thirty voices, under the direction of F. S. Hill, rendered a fine anthem.

Supervisor J. D. Russell, of Oswego, welcomed the old settlers with a hearty greeting. He told them the day was theirs. In fact, he turned the keys of the county to them.

Judge O. A. Barnes of Memphis, MO, a brother of H. P. Barnes of Bristol, delivered an able address. He spoke of the pioneer days, hardships, and the results they were now enjoying; of this his early home and of the great development of Kendall County. Judge Barnes talked for an hour, and his address was highly spoken of by those present.

Perry Armstrong, of Morris, President of the Shabbona Memorial Association, spoke a few words in regard to the Indian Chief who was the white man's friend, and solicited funds to provide a suitable monument for him.

Secretary Gale then read the necrological report. Twenty-nine old settlers have died during the year.

Election of officers then took place. Dr. Robert A. McClelland was elected President and George Van Emmon, Secretary.

This concluded the exercises, and the rest of the afternoon was spent in a social way.

Even picnics cannot be run without money, and a collection amounting to $21.00 was taken, which covered the expenses.

Following is a list of old settlers who have died during the past year.

Joshua Arundale, Lisbon Township, age 79. Died Jan 21, 1898.

Walter Cooke Beane, Fox Township, age 70. Died Sep 16, 1898.

Andrew W. Brodie, Fox Township, age 80. Died Oct 28, 1897.

William Henry Delancy, Bristol Township, age 57. Died Apr 20, 1898.

Esther (VanDuzer) Ferriss, (2nd Mrs. Josiah A.) Oswego Township, age 82. Died Oct ng, 1897.

Thomas Finnie, Fox Township, age 88. Died Aug 29, 1897.

Eva 'Margarette' Faust, (Mrs. George, Sr.) Oswego Township, age 74. Died Aug 1, 1898.

Hannah (Burnham) Green, (Mrs. James Sr.) Bristol Township, age 72. Died Sep 4, 1898.

Mary E. Hanson, Kendall Township, age 70.

Clark B. Haymond, Fox Township, age 79. Died Aug 15, 1898.

Jane Johnson, (Mrs. George) Fox Township, age 93. Died Mar 10, 1898.

William Tucker Kendrick, Little Rock Township, age 69. Died Jan 15, 1898.

David C. Kennedy, Bristol Township, age 78. Died Oct 8, 1897.

Jane (Meyman) Mellor, (Mrs. Kelita) Lisbon Township, age 88. Died Dec 4, 1897.

Henry M. Moore, Bristol Township, age 88. Died Dec 29, 1897.

Ami D. Newton, Kendall Township, age 74. Died Apr 24, 1898.

Susan B. Page, (Mrs. Johan Foster) Oswego Township, age 94. Died Jan 14, 1898.

John Parlett, Oswego Township, age 62.

Dennis E. Petit, Little Rock Township, age 66. Died Aug 23, 1898.

Catherine Regenhardt, Kendall Township, age 77. Died, Nov 28, 1897.

Reverend Peter Andrew Rasmussen, Lisbon Township, age 69. Died Aug 18, 1898.

George Rushton, Seward Township, age 74. Died Aug 14, 1879.

Mary 'Ann' (Gray) Sanders, (Mrs. William) Bristol Township, age 78. Died Jan 13, 1898.

Austin T. D. Searles, Sr. NaAuSay Township, age 71. Died Dec 5, 1897.

David 'Chever' Shepard, Sr. Oswego Township, age 85. Died Jan 20, 1898.

Margaret Schilling, (Mrs. George) Oswego Township, age 76. Died Sep 16, 1897.

Chloe Ann (Whitlock) Stocksledger, Bristol Township, age 79. Died Oct 30, 1897.

Henry W. Wheeler, Sr. NaAuSay Township, age 51. Died Oct 31, 1897.

John P. Williams, Kendall Township, age 80. Died Sep 27, 1897.


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