Newark Business Directory in November 1868

Published in the Kendall County Record,
November 26, 1868
Edited and compiled by Elmer Dickson

The firm of Andrews and Carns is selling out at cost to close up the business. If you want bargains give our friend Carns a call and he will sell you goods lower than you could ask for. He is bound to close out the business.

Captain Biddulph has an excellent stock of hardware at his store under the hotel, which he is furnishing to the people as cheap as the same goods can be bought in Sandwich. He has a first rate tinner employed who is kept busy all the time filling orders. If you want a stove, a keg of nails, or any article in the hardware line, go to Biddulph's and buy it. Don't go to Sandwich and pay the same price he charges.

Newark has a printing office, and the proprietor, Mr. Hanchett, is doing a good business. He is bound to make a living as he has a photography gallery connected with the printing business. He does very good work and the people of Newark should give him plenty of it. He proposes soon to issue a monthly advertising sheet.

The store of John A. Coy & Co. is just full of goods of every kind. The people of the vicinity know how to appreciate the energy of the firm by giving it strong support. This is an old concern and draws trade from a circuit of many miles. The stock is equal to any west of Chicago.

The new building of Winchell & Lott's is nearly completed, and is a fine place for the store. They will put in a general stock of goods as soon as completed.

There is still some talk here, and strong hopes are entertained of the building of the road from Joliet to Mendota.

The neat millinery store of Mrs. Le Beau is very attractive to the ladies.

Last Modified on 2013-02-20 01:08:15-0600 CST by Elmer Dickson