The Old Settlers' Picnic 7-22-1896

Old Settlers' Picnic.

A Quiet Gathering of the Fathers, Mothers and Good Children of Kendall County.

Thursday, July 30, 1896 is the Date. Please Remember, and Everyone Come.

Originally Published in the Kendall County Record, July 22, 1896.

Edited and Compiled by Elmer Dickson.

It takes a united effort of all concerned to make a good picnic. The people of Kendall County should all be concerned in making the old settler's annual gathering on the Fair Grounds, at Yorkville, a pleasant and entertaining occasion.

It is the one day of the year when the people can meet in this beautiful grove and have an old-fashioned visit, a neighborly quiet time, when they can talk over old times, hear addresses on the earlier days of the Fox River Valley and see those whom they associated with in years gone by.

There is no money in this for anybody. It is just a social occasion, but true to the old times a collection will be taken to defray expenses; to pay the band something, to pay for putting up the platform, cleaning up the ground, etc. So please bring some small change with you to help out the neighbors in the preparation.

There will be a good program after dinner. You are expected to come in the forenoon, meet the friends, have your basket picnic dinner, and do your visiting. There will be plenty of good water on the grounds, good hitching places for your teams, a lunch stand for those who prefer purchasing refreshments there, and the freedom of the grounds for the visitors. Here is the program:

Music, band.

Prayer by Reverend F. L. (J. L.?) Sanborn.

Song, 'America.'

Address of welcome by Mr. John Fitzgerald.

Music by an old time choir in charge of Captain Franklin M. Hobbs.

Necrological report by Secretary Gale.

Music, choir.

Election of officers.

Music, choir.

Address by General Smith D. Atkins.

Music, band.

Pioneer Days, by Mrs. Delia A. Aldrich of Millington, President of the W.C.T.U.

Music, choir.

Miscellaneous talks.


Music, band.            


One of the pioneers of the county wants to know how many married people there are in the county who obtained there marriage certificates from the first County Clerk, Marcus Fenton. Information of this kind and any little incidents touching on the early settlement would be very interesting at the picnic.

Now don't neglect this meeting. Speak to your neighbors about it, and make preparations now to give the 30th of July as a votive offering to the old settlers. Let your threshing and farm work go for that one day.

Last Modified on 2012-12-21 05:06:30-0600 CST by Elmer Dickson